Articles of assocaition for WAKO GB Ltd as incorporated on 10th September 2015. All subsquent amendments and updates including the special resolution for changing our name to Kickboxing GB Ltd can be found on companies house.
The rules for all WAKO disciplines - Point Fighting; Light Contact; Kick Light; Full Contact; Low Kick; K1; Forms
A list of all of the official WAKO divisions
WAKO International Federation - Referees code of conduct
For clubs to run safely Kickboxing GB has implemented an approval process
which all new prospect members must go through to gain recognition and
insurance. This process is part of Kickboxing GB’s commitment to ensuring
our clubs and coaches reach and maintain good safeguarding standards.
This policy defines what and who constitutes a full member with voting rights.
This document contains KGB's strategy for the organisatons various social media channels and defines the safeguarding and content management policies that apply.
Selection policy for Senior and Junior national teams that will be representing Great Britain at WAKO European and World Championships.
Process for any complaints made to Kickboxing GB.
Process and procedurtes for dealing with conflict of interest
Process and procedures for a whistleblowing event
Policy to ensure that culture and policy are free from Bias and disxrimination
Policies and procedures for Health & Safety
Data protection policy for Kickboxing GB
Policy for the handling of DBS certificate information
Data protection policy statement for Kickboxing GB website
Policy and procedurtes for safeguarding children (under 18 years).
Process and procedures for the safeguarding of vulnerable adults
Code of conduct for our young athletes
Code of conduct for all Kickboxing GB member coaches
Statement of Kickboxing GB's commitment to safeguarding of our children
Code of conduct for all parents of our young athletes
Policy for safeguarding our members where photograophy and filming is taking place
Safeguarding policy when running a training session
Kickboxing GB complaints form for submitting complaints to Kickboxing GB's safeguarding officer.